English Utolsó frissítés: 2024-05-09
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Frisítés dátuma: 2024-05-09

hun eng Utolsó frissítés: 2024-05-09 kapcsolat gyik Segíthetünk?
25 éves a LIFE program


Portugál szervezet LIFE projektpartnert keres!

A portugál Viseu Dão Lafões-tól érkezett az alábbi partnerségi megkeresés nemzetközi LIFE pályázathoz.

Kapcsolattartó: Ana Fernández acf@magellan-association.org , Magellan (portói és brüsszeli központtal működő portugál szövetség, amely portugál állami és magánszervezeteket, régiókat és egyetemeket képvisel, és segíti őket az európai projektjavaslatok előkészítésében.)

In the scope of the publication of the LIFE 2017 call for proposals, the Portuguese Intermunicipal Community Viseu Dão Lafões (CIM VDL) is willing to prepare a project proposal aiming at preventing forest fires in its territory together with potential partners from the Mediterranean and South Europe area.

The Intermunicipal Community Viseu Dão Lafões is an administrative division in Portugal composed of 14 municipalities and it is located in the Centre Region of Portugal. In recent years, it has been playing an active role by implementing several projects in its territory to prevent forest fires, hinder collective risks, mitigate risk effects and protect and assist people and properties in danger by giving an adequate response.

Built upon these previous actions, this project proposal aims at implementing several actions with the goal of increasing resilience to fire risks, such as pilot actions to control woody invasive species, operational and technical training in the use of risk analysis and simulation tools, fire-controlled actions associated with the pastoral activity and many others.

Taking into account the project, its concept and objectives we are looking for partners with the following characteristics:

  • Preferably regions from the Mediterranean and South European area;
  • Particularly concerned and experienced with forest fire prevention initiatives;
  • This partner would be able to contribute to the consortium by implementing the project actions or other parallel-project actions in its geographical area.

We believe that a possible collaboration with a Region from Hungary that you may indicate, has the potential to promote a successful project, hanging on your expertise and interest on the topic, allowing for a transfer of knowledge between the different entities involved.

Kapcsolódó tartalmak

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